Saturday, 24 November 2012

Where Did The Time Go?

Wow, it's been a while since this old thing got updated! Lots of news to cover, then.

Firstly, you'll notice it isn't Sam writing this, it's Mike. This is due to Sam's decision to vacate the position of Club Captain so he can focus on studying, which I'm told is fairly useful at University. So far there are no plans to replace him, with the committee working as a team to make decisions and me in charge of the blog.

Secondly then, I should extend a huge welcome to our Freshers, whom we've whittled down from the enthusiastic masses at Fresher's Fair to a solid group of novice rowers. They've stuck with us despite awful weather delaying and cancelling outings as well as that horrible realisation that rowing's bloody hard work. The majority of these guys and girls have, of course, been initiated into the club with the alcoholic equivalent of a 12k ergo.

As for our performance as a club, thanks to the hard work of our new coach, Olivia, we entered 4 crews into Kingston Small Boats Head. Jo Crouch and Imogen Griffiths finished 138th overall, but second in the WNov.2x event, and Ryan Livingstone came 140th, overall, and 9th in the Nov.1x. Unfortunately, I had an accident and ended up in the river, completing half the race in the St. John's Ambulance boat. This, therefore, meant that Richard Swoboda and I didn't compete in the Nov.2x event later, due to concerns over my lowered temperature.

That said, we'll be entering many more races and training just as hard as before, though with a lot more complaining because of the cold. There's also more social events coming up, with the Male and Female Team Bonding nights on Wednesday 28th November and a Christmas Dinner is in the works for some time in December.

I'll do my best to post more regular updates regarding the club. I don't think we get up to enough to warrant weekly posts, but fortnightly or monthly should work out fine.