Equipment List

Roehampton University Rowing Club has a small but expanding fleet of it's boats and equipment. Additional equipment is sourced from our host club Thames Tradesmen R.C as required. See below for details of R.U.R.C's fleet.


THE BEACON - 1987 Empacher 8+ (ROE018 - yellow tape on riggers)

ID'd and named in recognition of the money raised via R.U.R.C's London to Brighton bike ride fundraiser on 26th February 2012. 18 people completed the ride, and the club raised over £2000, the majority of which helped to buy this boat.
'The Beacon' is the famously steep hill along the ride's route just before Brighton.

David Bedford - 1989 Janousek 4x/- (ROE 001 - red tape on riggers)

Named after David Bedford, an R.U.R.C member from 2009 to 2012 who's commitment to the club went over and above what was required, and was also an excellent rower into the bargain!

LAURA - Burgashell 1x (ROE101) - Part owned by R.U.R.C with Sam N, Diana and Hannu

Named after R.U.R.C's coach for the 2010/2011 season who really pushed the club forward - Laura Fisher. 


3 x Sets of 8 Dreissigacker 'Big Blade' Sweep Oars (Set 'Q' - yellow tape, Set 'R' - blue tape, Set 'S' - white tape)

1 x Set of 2 Croker Sculling Oars (Set 'ROE101') - Part owned by R.U.R.C with Sam N, Diana and Hannu


2 x Cox Box Units with Mics, NK Headbands and Chargers (ROE1 and ROE01)

3 x Sets of LED Boat Lights

1 x Set of Sweep Riggers for David Bedford (ROE001 - red tape on riggers)