The team filled a car with bags of food, changes of clothes, spare layers and tools for anything that could possibly go wrong. Rachel Esker, our fantastic Social Secretary, drove the support car, and even tried her hand at cycling.
The route was successfully completed by every participant in 7 hours! None of us quit or gave into the exhaustion and pain. And despite the two punctures and the one fall, the team got to Brighton alive and ready to enjoy their time there.

RURC did what no other team has done in Roehampton, and had their first over-night social event away from London. It was a great success and kick started at a Whetherspoons near the Travel Lodge the team stayed at. An event that I am certain the team is more than willing to repeat next year.
The route took the team through a few hills, country roads and a lot of gorgeous scenery all the way to Brighton; but it was completed with great enthusiasm and support. RURC are extremely grateful for the support that was given for the event. Thank you to Putney Cycles for the fleet of bikes, RoeActive for the continuous use of the gym. Rachel Esker for the support car, Steven Coates for videoing the event (hopefully we will be able to post this soon!), Robin Dodson for his expertise in the route and supporting the cyclists. Thank you as well for every participant for having the courage to set off at 7.30 am on a Sunday and putting your bodies through hell to raise money for the club. All the proceeds are going towards our first boat that will soon be purchased and named. RURC are extremely proud of this fundraiser and promise to make the next one amazing. Thank you for everyone who sponsored us and helped make this bike ride possible. We enjoyed it just as much as we hated it. Some members of the team are considering cycling it again this Summer for fun, so if you want to cycle with RURC get in touch with one of us. Until the next torturous, challenging and epic fundraiser event!